chalk mixture造句

"chalk mixture"是什么意思   


  1. Previous discoveries of photosensitive methods and substances including silver nitrate by Albertus Magnus in the 13th century, a silver and chalk mixture by Johann Heinrich Schulze in 1724, and Joseph Ni閜ce's bitumen-based heliography in 1822 contributed to development of the daguerreotype.
  2. For example, a 1901 medical book published for home health use gave the following two " Simple Remedy Formulas " for " dysenterry " : ( 1 ) Thin boiled starch, 2 ounces; Laudanum, 20 drops; " Use as an injection [ meaning as an enema ] every six to twelve hours "; ( 2 ) Tincture rhubarb, 1 ounce; Laudanum 4 drachms; " Dose : One teaspoonful every three hours . " In a section entitled " Professional Prescriptions " is a formula for " diarrhoea ( acute ) " : Tincture opium, deodorized, 15 drops; Subnitrate of bismuth, 2 drachms; Simple syrup, 1 / 2 ounce; Chalk mixture, 1 1 / 2 ounces, " A teaspoonful every two or three hours to a child one year old . " " Diarrhoea ( chronic ) " : Aqueous extract of ergot, 20 grains; Extract of nux vomica, 5 grains; Extract of Opium, 10 grains, " Make 20 pills.
  3. It's difficult to find chalk mixture in a sentence. 用chalk mixture造句挺难的


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